Spotlight on Jesse Lewis


Jesse Lewis plays guitar on “No One Ever Tells You.” His guitar intro many years ago on a tune we did for the Blossom Dearie record actually planted the seed for this whole band. He shreds, he loops, he sings, he is “The Poet.”

Get to know Jesse Lewis:

How we met:
I first heard Jesse at IAJE with my brother, Ernesto. He was playing with a big band and I remember being blown away.  My brother said, “Just wait…he can do ANYTHING.” He was right. Not sure that I met him that day, but it was the my first “Jesse Lewis experience.”

What we’ve done together:
Jesse and I have recorded 5 albums together. We have traveled to the West Coast of the US, and around the Northeast of the US. We have kids around the same age and have grown into this parent/artist thing together, too.

Fun fact:
Jesse taught me about the “shower beer.” Hard to believe that a beer-loving Canadian didn’t know about it! Hot shower and cold beer. Nothing better.

My favorite thing:
My favorite thing about Jesse is that he really can do anything. He can play super straight ahead, shredding blues, sensitive acoustic guitar…anything.  That, and his sweaters.

Amy Cervini